My Drawing in the Pastel Society Annual Exhibition 2021 at the Mall Galleries

My Drawing in the Pastel Society Annual Exhibition 2021 at the Mall Galleries

February | by Sam Clayden  | #portraitdrawing

My drawing of friend and fellow artist Jack Ford was selected for the Pastel Society Annual Exhibition.

All things considered the Mall Galleries has scheduled a physical exhibition for April – we shall wait and see.

Although a minor problem in the grand scheme of things, the closing of galleries and exhibitions has been a sad consequence of the pandemic. Usually when in need of inspiration I’ll amble through the galleries of Tate Britain, reacquaint myself with some old friends at the National Gallery or sketch the antiques in the Victoria & Albert or British Museums.

In the brief windows between lockdowns, some exhibitions and galleries managed to open their doors for physical, although limited, showings. I managed to catch the Titian exhibition and stroll through the National Gallery over the summer. The very strict one way system didn’t hamper my visit despite being one of the only people in the galleries,

I hope, with the rollout of the vaccines, this year we’ll get to see more art in person.